Our Classroom Website


This is the class website for Ms. G's first grade class at Hayes Cooper Center. You will find information from class newsletters, how to contact your students' teachers, and other helpful resources.

May 7 Newsletter

April 30 Newsletter

April 23 Newsletter

April 17 Newsletter

April 9 Newsletter

February 19 Newsletter

February 12 Newsletter

February 5 Newsletter

January 29 Newsletter

January 22 Newsletter


January 8 Newsletter


January 4 Newsletter


December 11 Newsletter

December 4 Newsletter

November 13 Newsletter

November 6 Newsletter

Math: We will be learning addition facts to 20

Reading: "Sea Animals" by Norbert Wu

Comprehension: Author's Purpose (Persuade, Inform, Educate)

Phonics: Digraph th, base words and -s, -es, -ed, -ing

Language: Proper Nouns

Test Schedule:

Monday: none

Tuesday: none

Wednesday: G1 Math Mad Minute

Thursday: G1 Phonics, G1 Vocab, G1 Prepositions, G2 Math

Friday: G2 Reading, G1 Spelling

October 30 Newsletter

Math: We will be learning to understand addition and subtraction facts to 12


Reading: "A Cupcake Party"

Comprehension: Story Structure (character, setting, plot)

Phonics: short u, final clusters (e.g. hand), word family -ump

Language: Synonyms

Test Schedule:

Monday: none

Tuesday: none

Wednesday: G1 Math Mad Minute

Thursday: G1 Phonics, G1 Vocab, G1 Prepositions, G2 Math

Friday: G2 Reading, G1 Spelling


You can view the whole newsletter by clicking here.

October 23 Newsletter

Math: We will be learning to understand five and ten relationships and working with addition and subtraction facts to 12

Reading: “Dr. Seuss”

Comprehension: Text and Graphic Features

Phonics: short e, clusters of s

Language: Statements


Test Schedule:


Tuesday: G1 Math


Thursday: G1 Phonics, G1 Vocab, G1 Complete Sentences, G1 Math Mad Minute

Friday:G2 Reading, G1 Spelling, G1 Math

View the whole newsletter by clicking here.

October 9 Newsletter


WE WILL HAVE SCHOOL ON OCTOBER 23! When fall break changed to October 16-17, the professional development day originally scheduled was dropped.


Math: We will be learning about five and ten relationships

Reading: "A Musical Day"

Comprehension: Sequencing (First, Next, Then, Last)

Phonics: short o, l blends, -ock word family

Language: statements- a complete sentence that ends in a period


Test Schedule:


Tuesday: G2 Math


Thursday: G1 Phonics, G1 Vocab

Friday:G2 Reading, G1 Spelling, G1 Statements

View the whole newsletter by clicking here.

View the "Musical Day" homework- Make an Instrument note


October 2 Newsletter

Math: We will be learning five and ten relationships

Reading: "How Animals Communicate"

Comprehension: Supporting Details from the Main Idea

Phonics: words with short I, clusters with r, word family -ip

Language: Sentence parts (subject and predicate)


View the whole newsletter by clicking here.

September 25 Newsletter

Math: We will be learning to understand subtraction along with five and ten relationships

Reading: Jack and the Wolf by Chris Sheban

Comprehension: Understanding Characters

Phonics: Words with short a (as in apple); Double final consonants (e.g. hiss, hill); ck; and word family -ack

Language: Complete Sentences


Test Schedule

Monday: none

Tuesday: none

Wednesday: G2 Math

Thursday: G1 Phonics, G1 Vocabulary

Friday: G1 Spelling, G1 Identify a Complete Sentence, G2 Reading


View the whole newsletter by clicking here.

September 18 Newsletter

Math: We will be learning to understand subtraction

Reading: Gus takes the Train by Russell Benfanti

Comprehension: Story Structure

Phonics: Words with short u; consonant qu and z

Language: Adjectives


Test Schedule

Tuesday: G1 Math 2-5 and 2-6 retest

Wednesday: G2 Adjectives

Thursday: G1 Phonics, G1 Vocabulary

Friday: G1 Spelling, G1 Math, G1 Reading

September 11 Newsletter

Math: We will be learning to understand subtraction

Reading: Lucia's Neighborhood by George Ancona (This is the second and last week we will work on this story)

Comprehension: Text and Graphic Features

Phonics: Words with short e; consonants y, w, k, v, and j; and phonogram -et

Language: Adjectives


Test Schedule:

Monday: none

Tuesday: G1 math 2-3 and 2-4

Wednesday: G2 Verbs

Thursday: G1 Phonics, G1 Vocab, G1 Adjectives

Friday: G2 Reading, G1 Spelling

September 4 Newsletter

Math: we will be learning to understand subtraction

Reading: Luci'as Neighborhood by George Ancona (We will do this story for two weeks)

Language: Verbs


Test Schedule:

Monday: none

Tuesday: none

Wednesday: none

Thursday: G1 Verbs

Friday: G1 adjectives, G1 math over 2-1 and 2-2

August 28 Newsletter

Test Schedule:

Monday: none

Tuesday: G1 math (moved from Friday, 8/25)

Wednesday: G2 Nouns

Thursday: G1 Phonics, G1 Vocabulary, G2 Math Topic 1

Friday: G2 Reading Comprehension, G1 Spelling, G1 Verbs

August 21 Newsletter

Math: We will be learning to understand addition

1-5: Introducing addition expressions

1-6:Stories about joining

1-7: Adding in any order

1-8: Problem solving


Reading: The Storm by Raúl Colón

Comprehension: Understanding characters

Fluency: Accuracy

Phonics: Words with short I and consonants r, h, b, g, and s when it sounds like z


Language: Nouns

A person, place, thing, or animal